
*****Special Package for “Here We Grow Again – Natural and Holistic Pet Care Webinar” Participants*****

Use EFT To Release the Pain of Losing a Beloved Companion Animal – Recordings

Mickey annabel-blueThis is perhaps one of the toughest subjects to address. Our animal companions are like family members. Yet they offer a different relationship than the ones with humans. Their love, devotion, lack of bias, companionship, and most importantly, unconditional love, makes their loss seem insurmountable. There can be so many more complications with the passing a beloved animal companion than with our human family and friends. We often have to make the decision as to when the animal has to be “let go.” This can bring up so much conflict amongst many of us: Is it the right time? Should I wait? What if I he could recover and I make the wrong decision?

Major at Exempla..uncropped

And then when the animal has passed, how do we deal with this grief? Sometimes others don’t get our grief, as some people will say “It was only a dog/cat/horse, etc.” Or we find ourselves completely lost without our constant companion, our best friend.

Occasionally there is also some guilt: Did I do enough? Did I choose the wrong care options? Did I contribute to this in anyway? Why couldn’t my tapping save him?

Join Susanne Peach, Animaleze® founder, as she and special guest, Annabel Fisher explore this very sensitive topic. They certainly knows what it’s like on so many levels. Susanne had her beloved soul-dog, Major, pass away 2 years ago, which was completely devastating. After helping so many client’s animals overcome “terminal” diagnosis, she wasn’t able to prolong Major’s life in the same manner. This brought up many questions, in addition to the usual grief. This also created a better protocol for helping her clients process their own grief.

Annabel certainly experienced more than her fair share of grief when her beloved hamster and cat passed away and then her other cat went missing.

And if your animals are still with you, this will still be something to listen to, as you might learn how to make decisions that are in the best interest of your animal companions BEFORE they pass away.

It might also make the decision as to when to let them go a bit easier. We never want to see animals suffer, yet the thought of having to make the decision to “let them go” can be debilitating. Join us and tap along to gain benefits in this teleseries.

(If you are not familiar with EFT’s Borrowing Benefits, you’ll be tapping on yourself, repeating the words, even if they don’t match your issues exactly. By doing so, you’ll gain benefits for your own challenges around grief.)

Call #1- Letting Go of the Grief

Did your heart break when your beloved companion animal passed away? Do you still miss him deeply and wonder if you’ll ever feel any different?

Grieving over the death of a companion animal is extremely painful, but what happens if everyone else around you continues on with their lives, and you’re left frozen? It can seem as though they don’t understand the depth of your pain, and there’s something ‘wrong’ with you because you can’t ‘move on’.

Any small reminder of your companion animal can result in feelings of helplessness, loss, abandonment or distress.

Perhaps you’re filled with questions and self-blame: If only I’d ___________. Did I do enough? What if ____________? Why didn’t I pay closer attention??  How can I go on when this hurts so much??

All of this is deeply debilitating. You remain stuck in the grief, unable to celebrate what your companion animal brought to your life, and the joy he gave you.

Join Susanne and Annabel as they discuss, and use EFT for aspects of the grief that arises when a beloved companion animal dies. You’ll be able to observe your experiences from a different perspective and feel comfortable enough to appreciate the memories, rather than be pained by them.

They will be tapping together on this grief and you’ll be able to tap along, borrowing benefits to work through your own grief.

Call # 2 – Helping the other animals in your home overcome loss and grief

When a beloved animal member of the home passes away, it can affect more than the humans.  Some animals aren’t affected and may even thrive.  But often times there is confusion or grief when their packmates don’t come home.

In the wild, elephants will openly grieve for their family members that pass away, often exhibiting a ritual that allows them to say their final goodbyes.  Domesticated animals don’t have this ritual and can show signs of depression, grief, confusion, or any other emotion.

Join us as we tap for a furry family member who’s lost a fellow pack member.  We’ll help this animal overcome the grief that will allow him to live a happier life.  This can help keep their physical bodies in a healthier state as well.  You can tap along and gain benefits for your own animals or even yourself if you’ve lost a beloved companion animal.

Call # 3 – When will I be ready for another companion animal, if ever?   How do I open my heart again to another animal?

Is the pain still so strong that you can’t even imagine adding another companion animal to your family?  Does the thought of going through this pain again stop you from even thinking about another animal?  Does it feel like a betrayal if you get another one?  Do you hold onto the grief because it keeps your connection alive?

Susanne and Annabel will be tapping on any remaining emotions that are stopping us from opening our hearts again.  This doesn’t mean we will tell you whether or not you are ready to adopt again, or that you should adopt again.  This is about showing you the gifts of your beloved pet, including the love you shared.  And how moving on doesn’t mean you are letting go of your animal’s spirit.  It doesn’t mean you’ll be “replacing” the beloved one that passed.  But instead you are taking the gifts he/she gave you, the lessons in love, the lessons in being present, and paying them forward by making a difference in another animal’s life.

Once again you’ll have the opportunity to tap along, working through your own challenges around this topic

This is a recorded Series!  You can purchase all 3 teleclass recordings to download and listen to many times over.   If you were to purchase session with Annabel and Susanne individually for these topics, you’d pay well over $900.00.
The special price for thenrecorded series, a $900.00 value, is only $88.00.  Some comments from participants:

Wow, I didn’t realize I still had stuff to process over the loss of my pup.  I tapped along and was able to be at a much more peaceful place.  Thanks!

From Heather, Callie’s Mom:  (We tapped for Callie in call number 2)

Since we got off the phone Callie will not leave my side, she has a big ol’ smile, and her tail is really wagging.  J  She seems really happy right now.

Note:  The teleseries cannot be broken down into purchasing only one call.  You’ll want to listen to all three anyway, as you’ll have the opportunity to tap along with these gifted EFT Practitioners on your own individual issues.  Even if you aren’t dealing with another animal in the house grieving, or considering adding another animal to your pack, you can still tap along on your other unrelated challenges and gain benefits.

Special benefit:  A portion of the profits from these teleclasses will go to Animal Charities.  This includes an animal cancer research foundations called the Morris Foundation which is conducting the first ever cancer study on golden retrievers, tracking them from puppies to adulthood.  (Golden retrievers get cancer more than any other breed.  Major, Susanne’s golden, passed away from cancer.  She has enrolled her young golden retriever into their new study.) .

Free Radio Show – Intro to this Teleseries:  You can listen to an intro to this teleseries as Annabel and Susanne discuss what they’ll be covering, what you can expect and how you’ll benefit.  Listen in to the free call on May 8 at 11:00am Mountain time.  (If you are reading this AFTER May 8, go to the “Archive” section on this link and look for the show.  You can listen after the show airs on May 8 via the computer, at no charge.)

Click Here to listen to the free Intro to this Teleseries Radio show with Annabel and Susanne

To Purchase this Teleclass Series Recording, click on the Buy Now button:  (****Please note–this will show up on your credit card/paypal Statement as coming from Edelweiss Trading Company or Susanne Peach.)

You will receive an email with a link to download all 3 teleclasses.

Thanks SO much for purchasing this.  Please let us know how it impacts you and also what you’d like to see done differently.